Friday, January 7, 2011



" (singing) It's the best day eeeeevvvveeeerrrrr. It's the best day eeeevvvveeerrrr."(repeat ad nauseum) - Spongebob Squarepants

So I was already psyched up for my run, having seen the blanket of white outdoors, when seconds before I headed out, the mail shoots through the slot and plops on the floor. Could it be possible? Dare I look?...Glory be, they're here!!!! And just in time. My feet are as snug in a bug in a rug in my Vibram Bikilas but I had just been thinking how nice it would be to have an extra layer to keep my tootsies toasty. Scissors, scissors, where are those....screw it...rrriiiiiiiiippppp.Injinji toesocks! Yay!

Out I headed for a couple of miles of bliss, strutting like a peacock (if this is even possible when running), in my beloved Bikilas and my new Injinjis. I see my footprint in the inch-high snow and I snicker. It pretty much looks like I am running barefoot in the snow - five toes and all. I imagine the second-takes and the look on the faces of anyone who would notice my footprints in the snow. In the softer, less high snow the print looks even more odd with a noticable tread pattern along with the five toe prints. I imagine their thoughts: Gorilla, maybe? Perhaps a call to animal control/the zoo is in order. Or the Feds.

It didn't take long for the snow to introduce itself to my new socks. My toes were wet within minutes. So much for toasty toes. No matter. It's such a great day for a run that I don't even care. The Bikilas are so breathable that if I stick to the plowed road long enough the socks start to dry out. It's a trade off I guess. The breathability is what makes them great for long runs in dry weather but just as air can come in and out so can water. Every time I have to move into the unplowed snow along the curb to make way for traffic my feet get soaked and I think of the barefoot runner in Michigan(?) who is experimenting with ways to stay dry whilst running in snow. I wish I had his water booties. He made a video of his layers - first socks, then swim socks, then a water bootie. Anyone know where I saw that video perchance?

Overall it was a great 2.6 miles in the snow. Except my dang Nike+ sensor thought I went 3.79 miles. Shoot. To calibrate or cheat on my Nike challenge...that is the question. I wish I could afford a GPS. Someone told me that they are able to use their Garmin 305 with the Nike+ website. I'm jealous. For now, it's back to the drawing board to figure out a more accurate way to attach my Nike+ sensor. The method pictured above is what I used for this run. It was strapped down pretty good, so I am surprised that it was less accurate than just looping it around the velcro strap on my Vibram Treks. Next attempt involves duct tape.

Even wet, it was still better than running shod.

Next adventure: running without shoes at Grings Mill on Sunday!

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